Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Ayam Kali Jodo 69

BREAKING DOWN 'Porter's 5 Forces'

Porter's Five Forces is a model of analysis that helps to explain why different industries are able to sustain different levels of profitability. This model was originally published in Porter's book, "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors" in 1980. The model is widely used, worldwide, to analyze the industry structure of a company as well as its corporate strategy. Porter identified five undeniable forces that play a part in shaping every market and industry in the world. The forces are frequently used to measure competition intensity, attractiveness and profitability of an industry or market.

Competition in the Industry

The importance of this force is the number of competitors and their ability to threaten a company. The larger the number of competitors, along with the number of equivalent products and services they offer, dictates the power of a company. Suppliers and buyers seek out a company's competition if they are unable to receive a suitable deal.

Potential of New Entrants Into an Industry

A company's power is also affected by the force of new entrants into its market. The less money and time it costs for a competitor to enter a company's market and be an effective competitor, the more a company's position may be significantly weakened.

Power of Suppliers

This force addresses how easily suppliers can drive up the price of goods and services. It is affected by the number of suppliers of key aspects of a good or service, how unique these aspects are and how much it would cost a company to switch from one supplier to another. The fewer number of suppliers, and the more a company depends upon a supplier, the more power a supplier holds.

Power of Customers

This specifically deals with the ability customers have to drive prices down. It is affected by how many buyers, or customers, a company has, how significant each customer is and how much it would cost a customer to switch from one company to another. The smaller and more powerful a client base, the more power it holds.

Threat of Substitutes

Competitor substitutions that can be used in place of a company's products or services pose a threat. For example, if customers rely on a company to provide a tool or service that can be substituted with another tool or service or by performing the task manually, and this substitution is fairly easy and of low cost, a company's power can be weakened.

We will explain our five porter's analysis in our company, AYAM KALI JODO 69

Competition in the industry:

- There's many company who's playing in the same field with us is a challenge for us in this business 
+ With the innovation and our secret ingredients make us believe to compete in this field and we are confident that our business will grow and continue to run.

Potential of New Entrants Into an Industry:

- Quite easy to imitate because it is easy and not too large capital
+ Who have started first would have loyal customers by maintaining taste and comfort that is given.

Power of Customers:

- Many similar products that will make customers become more "price sensitive"
Our products are cheap but high quality and easy to get will be the key here.

Power of Suppliers:

- A lot of buyers make the suppliers more confidents to play with the price of raw materials
+ Many of the suppliers who can supply raw chicken and other raw materials so that we do not need to be too concerned if the supplier there is a little brash.

Threat of Substitutes:

- The threats of substitute products such as warteg, fast food, eating home field, and so on
Is a natural thing every day when people do not buy our product because it will be bored if every day eating the same product, so we continue to innovate by inserting a new menu to attract customers

Kelompok :

Wisnu Wardana 1601260163

Muhyiddin ahmad 1501209276
Terry amanda 1901511941
Kristian albert 1601225406

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Run For Leprosy 15/03/2015

Minggu 15/03/2015

Hari ini, gue dan temen temen kelas gue sebagian besar berlari di acara Run For Leprosy yang diadakan TFI dan Binus Univ, ya sebenernya sih buat dapetin point Community Service doang, tapi ternyata pas hari H acaranya RAME BANGET!!!!!!! Ada orang luar, kakek - nenek, anak anak kecil, tante-tante, om-om, dan anak anak muda lainnya, 1 lagi BANYAK YANG LUCU LUCU MEN.

Awalnya kita disuruh kumpul di lapangan parkir kampus Binus ASM, disitu udah berdiri stand stand dari sponsor ada juga beberapa panggung yang awalnya gua gak ngerti buat apa. Ternyata di panggung utama ada DJ dan MC yang memandu acara ini, gak lama setelah MC berbicara dan memulai acara, kita disuruh pemanasan. Dan ternyata pemanasannya ZUMBA MEN, di pandu oleh seorang laki laki bertubuh tegap di panggung yang 1nya. Gua dan temen temen gua kebingungan ngikutin gerakannya yang lumayan gemulai, mungkin karna gak biasa ya.

Next, ada sambutan dari beberapa orang penting gua gak begitu merhatiin karena sibuk masang name tag yang ada RFID nya itu buat mencatat waktu katanya sih. Race pun dimulai dari yang 10K, mungkin karena emang jarak tempuh yang lebih jauh ya jadi disuruh start duluan. 15 menit setelah itu baru deh gue dan teman teman gua yang cuma mengikuti yang 5K mulai baris.

Buset berasa banget baru lari sebentar nafas udah ngaco aja, mungkin karena gua gak biasa lari ya jadi gak bisa lari terus terusan, cuman bisa lari sebentar trus jalan atur nafas, lari lagi. Gitu terus sampe garis finis. Di tengah tengah jalan sempet pengen manggil ojek gitu buat nganterin kita ke garis finis, namun hal ini dibuang jauh dari pikiran. HARGA DIRI MEN! HARGA DIRI!!!!!!!

Saat sampe di garis finis, rombongan gua cuma sisa ber3. Hal pertama yang di lakuin adalah nyari temen temen yang lain, setelah kumpul gak lupa aksi foto foto dan istirahat di tempat ya. Minum minuman yang di kasih sama panitia tadi. Walaupun cape tapi acara ini seru banget! Saking serunya sampe lupa rasa cape abis lari 5KM,

Gak lama setelah kita sampe finish ada yang menyumbangkan lagu gitu, gue gak merhatiin sih siapa soalnya gua duduk duduk di parkiran bawah jadi gak bisa keliatan kepanggungnya. Pokoknya rame banget deh seru, lagu lagunya juga hits dan suaranya enak.

OK, udah ya cerita tentang larinya. Gue juga gak lama tadi di kampus, jadi ya cuma segitu aja yang bisa gue ceritain. Selanjutnya tentang pengetahuan gua tentang penyakit kusta ini, well gue sebelumnya cuma tau kusta ini penyakit kulit yang kaya kebakar gitu. Namun sebelum nulis ini gue sempetin tadi buat googling dulu hehehe.

Penyakit kusta atau lepra disebut juga Morbus Hansen, sesuai dengan nama yang menemukan kuman yaitu Dr. Gerhard Armauwer Hansen pada tahun 1874 sehingga penyakit ini disebut Morbus Hansen.

Penyakit Hansen adalah sebuah penyakit 
infeksi kronis yang disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium leprae. Penyakit ini adalah tipe penyakit granulomatosa
pada saraf tepi dan mukosa dari saluran pernapasan atas; dan lesi pada kulit adalah tanda yang bisa diamati dari luar. Bila tidak ditangani, kusta dapat sangat progresif, menyebabkan kerusakan pada kulit, saraf-saraf, anggota gerak, dan mata.

Penyebab kusta adalah kuman mycobacterium leprae. Dimana microbacterium ini adalah kuman aerob, tidak membentuk spora, berbentuk batang, dikelilingi oleh membran sel lilin yang merupakan ciri dari spesies Mycobacterium, berukuran panjang 1 – 8 micro, lebar 0,2 – 0,5 micro biasanya berkelompok dan ada yang tersebar satu-satu, hidup dalam sel dan bersifat tahan asam (BTA) atau gram positif, tidak mudah diwarnai namun jika diwarnai akan tahan terhadap dekolorisasi oleh asam atau alkohol sehingga oleh karena itu dinamakan sebagai basil “tahan asam”. Selain banyak membentuk safrifit, terdapat juga golongan organisme patogen (misalnya Mycrobacterium tuberculosis, Mycrobakterium leprae) yang menyebabkan penyakit menahun dengan menimbulkan lesi jenis granuloma infeksion. Mycobacterium leprae belum dapat dikultur pada laboratorium.
Kuman Mycobacterium Leprae menular kepada manusia melalui kontak langsung dengan penderita dan melalui pernapasan, kemudian kuman membelah dalam jangka 14-21 hari dengan masa inkubasi rata-rata dua hingga lima tahun. Setelah lima tahun, tanda-tanda seseorang menderita penyakit kusta mulai muncul antara lain, kulit mengalami bercak putih, merah, rasa kesemutan bagian anggota tubuh hingga tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya.

Ya diatas gue copas dari salah satu blog yang menuliskan tentang penyakit ini. serem juga ya awalnya kaya gak kenapa kenapa tapi setelah 5 tahun baru ketawan deh kalo ini penyakit berbahaya. Dan penyakit ini mematikan loh. Serius gua abis google liat gambar gambarnya serem banget ini penyakit bisa ngilangin jari jari tangan bahkan sampe tangan tangannya sekalian katanya.

Penyakit ini tuh di sebabkan lebih kepada kebersihan sepertinya sih, dari tempat tidur yang tidak memadai, air yang tidak bagus dan sebagainya. Maka lebih baik kita jaga kebersihan ya, mulai dari kebersihan badan sama kebersihan lingkungan, jangan buang sampah sembarangan nanti air kita jadi kotor, jaga kebersihan kamar tempat tidur kita, kan buat kenyamanan kita juga. 

Untuk sosialisasi ya, hmm.... Menurut gue sosialisasi yang baik adalah mengadakan acara acara seperti Run For Leprosy ini di tambah penjelasan mengenai penyakit ini sebelum race di mulai, atau setelah race dimulai. Mungkin juga diadakan seminar atau pemberitahuan di daerah yang lingkungannya sangat rentan terkena penyakit ini.

Ok mungkin ini saja ya laporan yang bisa gua buat hari ini. Masih cape coy........ mau istirahat

Sekian dari gua

Wisnu Wardana.

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2013

Kamen Rider's Quote

"If you have the motivation, I don't think anything in this world is imposibble. First, you have to start moving. If you move, something will start." - Kaito Kid , Kamen Rider Diend

"Hey, do you know? when you have a dream... sometimes its really painful... and sometimes you get really fired up. Or so i hear. I don't have a dream. But, you know, I can protect dreams." - Inui Takumi , Kamen Rider Faiz

"Fall or succeed, the comrade he works with support and help each other. They evolve together, that's why he works." - Kadoya Tsukasa , Kamen Rider Decade

"I have a feeling that a waiting isn't as pointless as it seems. If someone is waiting, that place become a place to return to. You may send them off, but they will return to you." - Kadoya Tsukasa , Kamen Rider Decade

“No journey is a waste, just as there is no life is a waste.” - Eijiro Hikari

"You just do what you want to do. Listen to the voice of your heart. Listen what it request to you." - Otoya Kurenai , Kamen Rider Dark Kiva

“With both of us bare, a fiery friendship is born”. - Otoya Kurenai , Kamen Rider Dark Kiva

 “I will fight for the sake of everyone. Smile!” - Godai Yuusuke , Kamen Rider Kuuga

"Even in a world full only with enemies, there will always be someone you must protect." - Tendou Souji , Kamen Rider Kabuto

"If you receive a little kindness, give them a large serving." - Tendou Souji , Kamen Rider Kabuto

"A bond is a deep connection that can never be broken. Even if apart, heart and heart are still connected." - Tendou Souji , Kamen Rider Kabuto

"When people love other they became weaker, but it is nothing to ashamed of . Because that is true weakness. Only thos who know weakness will become truly stronger !" - Tendou Souji , Kamen Rider Kabuto

"Even though I'm weak, have bad luck, and don't know anything. That's no excuse for not doing anything !" - Nogami Ryoutaro , Kamen Rider Den-O

"It's not because I am nice. That's why I can't tell you to trust me. It's not like I can save everyone, right ? But if I don't reach out my hand while I can, the regret would make me wish I were dead. I reach out my hand because I don't want that." - Hino Eiji , Kamen Rider OOO

"Eighty percent of a man's job is making decisions." - Narumi Soukichi , Kamen Rider Skull

"I am Kisaragi Gentarou! I'm the man that will make all students become my friends ~" - Kisaragi Gentarou , Kamen Rider Fourze

" I'll decide your fate!" - Sakuta Ryuusei , Kamen Rider Meteor

"For all people that cannot fight, I will fight." - Kenzaki Kazuma, Kamen Rider Blade

"The one to correct one’s mistake is that person.” - Sakuya Tachibana, Kamen Rider Garren

“The wind is fickle. It flows wherever it wishes to.” - Kazama Daisuke, Kamen Rider Drake

"There is nothing wrong to imitating someone, as long as it is to find who you really are" - Tendou Souji, Kamen Rider Kabuto

"Even though all of people became enemy, to protect something, someone fight. That something is called friend." - Kadoya Tsukasa, Kamen Rider Decade

"Mimpi Yang Besar, Perlu Waktu Untuk Mewujudkannya. Jadi jangan terburu-buru untuk mewujudkan mimpi itu" - Hino Eiji, Kamen Rider OOO

"About the hero, when you're trying to become one, you're already disqualified" - Kitaoka Shuici, Kamen Rider Zolda

"I will only said this once... Walking in a same path is just the test of preserve, but to arrive in the same destination is what called Tomodachi(Friends)" - Tendou Souji, Kamen Rider Kabuto

"He's A Selfish, Nekojita, Sarcastic Bastard But That Bastard Would Never Betray Anyone" - Sonoda Mari

"I fight for protect humanity!" - Kazuma Kenzaki, Kamen Rider Blade

"One lied can be better than thousand truth" - Urataros